So being that it’s Christmas day and all, my daughter decided to get dressed up in her Elsa dress and had her big sister do her makeup. Next thing you know she came running over to me and asked if I would do a photo shoot with her. Wait….did I just hear that right? She has zero patience for me and my camera lately and usually limits me to maybe 4 or 5 shots at most. “Well, let’s go up to the field at the top of the street” I replied. I quickly grabbed my gear and a few off camera lights and my Apollo Orb softbox and we headed for the field. Once I got everything set up she held true to form and after about 10 shots she was pretty much done and wanted to return home.
After getting home and dumping the few shots we got in the field onto the computer I thought wouldn’t it be cool if I could turn her surroundings into a winter wonderland. We live in Florida where it never snows and with her infatuation of all things Frozen it would just make her day if I could change her surroundings to better align with Elsa. Roughly an hour later in Photoshop I had the image above and she absolutely loved it. The image below is the original shot we got in the field. I got extra points in the Daddy department today! Merry Christmas everyone.